"The number of unexpected cardiac arrests outside the hospital is about 30,000 a year in Korea alone, and 28,500 of them die. CPR, learned in virtual reality assuming a real situation, can increase the survival rate. there is."
CEO Jeon Sang-hoon (photo, Professor of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital), who founded the healthcare startup ‘Tetra Signum’ three years ago as a professor, thought that IT technology would contribute to patient safety and improve the medical industry. CEO Jeon, who served as the director of Seoul National University Bundang Hospital from 2016 to 2019, also led the creation of the ‘Healthcare Innovation Park’, a healthcare convergence research institute, during his tenure as hospital director.
"Considering that there are about 3,000 deaths in traffic accidents each year, we can see that there are quite a few people who die from cardiac arrest. Only prompt first aid can save patients' lives. However, domestic CPR education has been a mere formality for many years. I can't get out of education."
As CPR training became more neglected due to social distancing, he accelerated the development of ‘MetaCPR’, a CPR training device using new technologies such as virtual reality (VR). The meta-CPR implementation method is as follows. If you use the head mount, the situation where a passerby collapses on the road unfolds in front of you. Point out people around you, ask for help, and perform CPR directly using a real mannequin. The manikin is equipped with five sensors to evaluate whether the user has performed CPR properly.
'MetaCPR' developed by Tetrasignum
Representative Jeon said, "We introduced MetaCPR to Asan Medical Center in Seoul and trained 500 people, and the satisfaction rate was 4.9 out of 5. The feedback was good," he said. Love calls are coming from organizations that have made CPR education compulsory by law or companies that place importance on employee safety and social contribution. CEO Jeon cited high sensitivity, precise analysis, and real-time data transmission technology as the strengths of MetaCPR. Since artificial intelligence (AI) instructors train in virtual reality, it also has the effect of reducing costs in the long run.
CEO Jeon emphasized, “No matter how thorough safety education is, advanced countries are increasing opportunities for first aid education and increasing patient survival rates in connection with daily life.” In the United States, CPR training is mandatory for high school students in 39 states, and European countries such as France and Switzerland require first aid training to obtain a driver's license.
At the end of this year, CEO Jeon plans to hold a CPR contest for high school students in the three countries in partnership with the University of Manchester in England and the University of Southern California in the United States. He said, "We will raise scores and enable communication in real time to motivate students from all over the world."
Bokyung Kim (bkly477@asiae.co.kr)